Challenge your opinion on the issues that matter.
A live debate platform for critical thinking and respectful disagreement
Events that help to:
Shift from binary narratives
Build empathy
Deepen understanding of the other side of an argument
Revealing tensions, creating a safe space for civilised disagreement, and helping carve a path to more thoughtful and impactful action.
Is investing in skills THE commitment that counts?
The COP29 debate that flipped the script on human development.
Is Climate Action Job Creation?
Debatable. at kyu House Climate Week NYC 2024
Challenge your own opinions
Why now?
We live in a time of increasingly polarised and siloed conversation where misinformation, disinformation and anti-expertise reign, accelerating the disappearance of nuanced thinking and the entrenchment of extremist opinion.
The world needs more trustworthy, balanced debate.
Why debate?
Engage your audience differently and make your work stand out
- In the panel-saturated world of conferences, the debate format is a fresh and dynamic way of distinguishing your work.
- To your clients, partners, employees and collaborators, showcase your leaders' expertise and tease out the key tensions we face as an economy and society.
- Demonstrate that, by understanding the nuances of complex issues, they are engaging with the urgent need for more thoughtful action.
Debatable comes to life in three ways:
In an iconic venue at a major cultural moment
With a curated audience alongside industry or international events
Curated for your audience, around your agenda