The Sustainability Action Readiness Assessment (SARA)
Everybody counts
The Sustainability Action Readiness Assessment (SARA) is a survey-based assessment tool built by Kite Insights. It is designed to assess employees’ knowledge, engagement, and ability to act on sustainability in the context of their work, using Kite’s Head, Heart, and Hands Framework.
We built the SARA using years of experience in developing assessment tools and bespoke surveys, combined with our knowledge of the sustainability challenges businesses face, and communicating about them. To validate our approach, we consulted sustainability, transformation and behaviour change experts, and the World Benchmarking Alliance.
The SARA helps companies to:
- Set a baseline of employee readiness,
- Benchmark your workforce against peers,
- Identify specific pain-points and opportunities,
- Inform the development of learning and engagement journeys,
- Measure the impact of employee engagement.
The dashboard
The dynamic SARA dashboard allows clients to navigate and filter results instantly and in great detail, helping to unveil useful insights for your sustainability transformation efforts and helping you to identity and focus in on priority stakeholders for tailored approaches.
As well as better enabling you to explore your organisation’s results yourself, the dashboard forms the basis of our live post-SARA workshops with you. In these workshops, we provide reflections and recommendations based on your results and our other clients’ experience using the SARA to inform employee engagement for sustainable transformation.
We can now run the SARA with many organisations and sub-organisations at once -- such as within individual brands in a corporate portfolio. From there, we can give companies an overall sense of each of their brand’s or business unit’s readiness and associated recommendations, while also giving each brand team access to their results, recommendations and a benchmark against the rest of the business.
You can click here to take a look at, and have a play with, a demo of the SARA dashboard here (recommended for large screens only).
Why measure employee engagement in sustainability?
facing business constitute a fundamental transformation for most companies. Such foundational change stands the
greatest change of success when all employees understand the “what”, “why” and “how” of it. Setting a baseline of where
employees are today from which to establish targets and a plan of action provides the foundation for success.
Join leading companies measuring what counts
The SARA is a unique and leading measurement tool, designed to help shape company’s transformation and engagement efforts. Already, Kite has delivered it with tens of clients, including some that repeat it annually as part of their sustainability change programmes. Kite holds an increasingly powerful database of over 50,000 responses, enabling refined benchmarking. With a growing number of companies using the SARA, it will soon become a leading indicator of company’s investment in sustainability transformation that informs standards and reporting frameworks, as well as individual business action.